Hello bloggers,
Its me Alan and I am back for a new year at yaldhurst model school. In yaldhurst model school we have been doing thing out of your world. Have you ever imagined what feedback can do? If you want to know what the power of feedback can do you will need to read this whole blog post and it also shows how to write a feedback to the place you have been, Com'n let's roll.
Here is a slide show about how the power of feedback works and there is also the feedback I wrote and also there is some instruction showing you what to do if you were writing a feedback to a shop or something like that.
It was really hard for me to do an email because I never did it before. I will try to improve my email next time by being more positive.
So have you ever tried to feedback a place you have just been or is it your first try ? Will you try to feedback after you have read this book ?
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