Hello bloggers,
It's Alan here and today I am going to share some questions about handwriting, and answer them.
- Why is cursive handwriting important?
Ans:Learning cursive handwriting is important for spelling skills, enabling children to recognise words when they read them later. Typing doesn't have the same effect on the brain, as it doesn't require the same fine motor skills and simultaneous activity.
2. Is typing better than handwriting?
Ans:When you write your notes by hand, you develop a stronger conceptual understanding than by typing. Since handwriting is slower and more tedious, it makes it harder to take notes verbatim. Therefore you have to actually process the information and summarise it in a way that makes sense for you.
3.Does handwriting help memory?
Ans:Writing By Hand Improves Your Memory, Experts Say. Don't throw away your old notebooks just yet. ... In fact, writing by hand appears to improve our ability to remember things, meaning even in today's tech-obsessed society, the pen just might be mightier than Word.
This is what I did in my handwriting.
So that's it, I hope you liked my blog post and ple give me a comment.